viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Cape to cape MTB race stage 2. Hamelin bay to Xanadu winery

This stage stage in hamelin bay with a climb in paved roads that brings you straight into the Leewin NP. Here the single tracks starts gaining altitude at a soft pace. A couple of nice decends flows in between the magnificent forest. The scenary is unbelivable but you are riding so fast that is no time for contemplation. When you gain the top of the hill section that goes paralell from the coast, you find the quarry, a small step descend with a hudge bend that you need to pass at full speed. Dont let any roady be before you as they might be scared of the terrain. After the NP the race goes into Contos beach and road. A fairly long climb brings you back to the plains where you will traverse across wineries until you reach Leewin winery. Take a rest and enjoy good food here and the company of the red bull girls.

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